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Fakultät Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen

Einführung in die Technische Chemie

This course provides a survey of the analysis, selection and design of chemical reactors. Methods for the modeling and simulation of various industrial reactor types will be presented. Particular emphasis will be placed on catalytic fixed-bed reactors and multiphase gas-liquid and gas-solid reaction/reactor systems as well as on the treatment of complex reaction systemsreactions, such polymerisations, and complex reactors, such as fluidized beds. The course content builds on the basic understanding of reaction engineering acquired in the course ‘Reaktionstechnik I’ in the bachelor’s syllabus and extends the fundamentals learnt there.

The students will become acquainted with the numerous options available of carrying out chemical reactions on an industrial scale. The theoretical tools developed to analyse the behaviour of individual reactor types will be illustrated using typical examples of their application and discussed in tutorials. In particular the derivation of partial differential equations to describe the concentration and temperature conditions in chemical reactors together with their numerical solution will be stressed. Topical research work and innovative developments in the area of chemical reaction engineering will be communicated. The students will learn which criteria are most critical for an economically optimal reactor operation and how the reactor performance dictates the operation of the chemical plant as a whole. The course provides chemical engineering students with an important link between the areas of technical chemistry and process engineering.

Informationen zur Veranstaltung:

Dozent: Dr.-Ing. Marion Börnhorst, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dieter Vogt

Organisation: Elodia Morales

Stu­di­en­gang: Chemie B.Sc./M.Sc.

Turnus: jedes Sommersemester


Vorlesung:  Mo. 10:15 - 11:45 Chemie HS 2
                       Do. 10:15 - 11:45 Chemie HS 1


Klausurtermin: noch nicht bekannt


Moodle Kurs: https://moodle.tu-dortmund.de/course/view.php?id=45515